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Slots are the main building blocks of the Adhese SDK. They are used to fetch and render ads on your page.


Slots accept the following options:

format*string | ReadonlyArray<{ format: string; query: string; }>-The format code of the slot. Used to find the correct element on the page to render the ad in. If the format is a string, it is used as the format code. If the format is an array, the format code is determined by the query detector.
slotstring-If we have multiple slots with the same format, we can use this to differentiate between them.
containingElementstring | HTMLElement-The element that contains the slot. Used to find the correct element on the page to render the ad in.
parametersRecord<string, ReadonlyArray<string> | string>-The parameters that are used to render the ad.
renderMode'iframe' | 'inline''iframe'The render mode of the slot.
  • iframe: The ad will be rendered in an iframe.
  • inline: The ad will be rendered in the containing element.
lazyLoadingbooleanfalseIf the slot should be lazy loaded. This means that the ad will only be requested when the slot is in the viewport. If true, the slot will handle the request itself and render the ad.
lazyLoadingOptions{ rootMargin?: string; }-Options related to lazy loading. Only available when lazyLoading is set to true.
setup(context: Ref<AdheseSlot | null>, plugin: {onRender: ReturnType<typeof createAsyncHook<AdheseAd>>[1];onRequest: ReturnType<typeof createAsyncHook<void>>[1];onDispose: ReturnType<typeof createPassiveHook>[1];}) => void-Special callback that is run when the slot is initialized. It passes the slot context ref object and a special plugin object that contains a set of hooks you can use to hook into different moments of the slots lifecycle.

Slots on initialisation

If you know beforehand which slots are going to be on the page, you can pass the initialSlots option to the createAdhese function. This is particularly useful if you want to start the fetching process as soon as possible.

const adhese = createAdhese({
  account: 'your-account-id',
  initialSlots: [
      containingElement: 'slot-1', // ID of the element that contains the slot
      format: 'billboard',
      containingElement: 'slot-2', // ID of the element that contains the slot
      format: 'leaderboard',

To identify the slot, you need to pass the ID of the element that contains the slot. The containingElement represents the ID of the element.

Example HTML:

<div id="slot-1"></div>
<div id="slot-2"></div>

DOM slots

The SDK is also able to automatically find slots on the page and load them. Pass the findDomSlotsOnLoad option to the createAdhese function to enable this behaviour.

const adhese = createAdhese({
  account: 'your-account-id',
  findDomSlotsOnLoad: true,

Like the slots on initialisation, slots are identified by looking for elements with the adunit class. The element is required to have a data-format="YOUR_FORMAT" attribute set on the element to know which format needs to be fetched.

If after initialisation you want to rescan the DOM you can call the findDomSlots method on the Adhese instance.

const adhse = createAdhese({
  account: 'your-account-id',

await adhese.findDomSlots();

Manual slots

It is also possible to manually register slots. You can use the addSlot method on the Adhese instance to register a slot.

const adhese = createAdhese({
  account: 'your-account-id',

await adhese.addSlot({
  containingElement: 'slot-1', // ID of the element that contains the slot
  format: 'billboard',

Lazy loading

By default, the SDK will start fetching ads for the slots as soon as they are registered. If you want to optimize requests you can pass the lazyLoad option to the addSlot method. This will make sure that is not fetched until the element is in the viewport.

const adhese = createAdhese({
  account: 'your-account-id',

await adhese.addSlot({
  containingElement: 'slot-1', // ID of the element that contains the slot
  format: 'billboard',
  lazyLoad: true,

Device specific formats

If you want to fetch a different format for a specific device, you can pass an array of formats to the format option of the addSlot with a format and a media query.

const adhese = createAdhese({
  account: 'your-account-id',

await adhese.addSlot({
  containingElement: 'slot-1', // ID of the element that contains the slot
  format: [
      format: 'leaderboard',
      mediaQuery: '(max-width: 1023px)',
      format: 'billboard',
      mediaQuery: '(min-width: 1024px)',

In this example, the leaderboard format will be fetched when the viewport is smaller than 1024px and the billboard format will be fetched when the viewport is larger than 1023px.

Render modes

The SDK supports different render modes. The render mode can be set on the slot by passing the renderMode option to the addSlot method.

const adhese = createAdhese({
  account: 'your-account-id',

await adhese.addSlot({
  containingElement: 'slot-1', // ID of the element that contains the slot
  format: 'billboard',
  renderMode: 'iframe',

The following render modes are supported:

  • iframe: The ad is rendered in an iframe.
  • inline: The ad is rendered inline in the containing element.
  • none: The ad is not rendered. This is useful if you want to fetch the ad but handle the render output yourself.


To have more advanced control over the slot, you can use the setup function on a slot. This function is called during the initialisation of the slot. It passes two arguments: the slot context ref object and a special hooks object that contains a set of hooks you can use to hook into different moments of the slots lifecycle.

  format: 'billboard',
  containingElement: 'slot-1',
  setup(context, { onRender, onRequest, onDispose }) {
    onRender((ad) => {
      console.log('Ad rendered', ad);

    onRequest(() => {
      console.log('Ad requested');

    onDispose(() => {
      console.log('Slot disposed');

A use case for the setup function is when your ad.tag returns a JSON object. You can use the onBeforeRender hook to parse the JSON object and transform it into your custom HTML.

  format: 'billboard',
  containingElement: 'slot-1',
  setup(context, { onBeforeRender }) {
    onBeforeRender((ad) => {
      if (typeof ad.tag !== 'object') {
        // If the tag is not an object, return the ad as is
        return ad;

      return {,
        tag: '<div>Custom HTML</div>',


The tag on the ad object can be a JSON object or a HTML string. If you want to dynamically render the ad, you need to check if the tag is a JSON object yourself. To make sure the tag you return in your onBeforeRender as the SDK can't render JSON objects.

Slot hooks

In a setup function the following hooks are available:

  • onBeforeRender Hook that is called when the format of the slot changes.
  • onRender Hook that is called when the slot is rendered.
  • onBeforeRequest Hook that is called before the slot is requested from the server. Can be used to hijack the request entirely by returning a AdheseAd yourself. If you pass an ad yourself the request to the server is ignored and your ad is used.
  • onRequest Hook that is called when the slot is requested from the server.
  • onInit Hook that is called when the slot is initialized.
  • onDispose Hook that is called when the slot is disposed.
  • onEmpty Hook that is called when the slot is empty.
  • onError Hook that is called when the slot encounters an error.